Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, said, "let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food." The solution is literally that simple. As a nation we are caught in an addictive cycle of eating foods that make us sick, then getting medical care that relieves some of the symptoms but keeps us sick. The perfect recipe for being the nation that spends more money on health care, but has the most sickly population.
Instead of perpetuating this cycle, it is time to implement a system that actually works. It is time to start educating people on what foods heal us, rather than make us sick. The healing diet is one free of all animal products (meat, dairy, eggs), refined sugars and processed foods. It is rich in plant based whole foods; fruits, vegetables, beans, rice, etc.
While our government is busy debating how to pay for these alarming health costs, our nation is getting continuously more ill. The real issue at hand is not even being acknowledged. If our health care system will not help us to be healthy, it is our responsibility to educate and heal ourselves. An excellent source to start learning is a documentary called "Forks Over Knives." Below is a link watch it. It costs only $4 to rent, and has the information to change your life and bring real health and vitality.
Instead of continuing the debate of whether or not the government should step in with health care costs, it is time to start looking for a solution that has the potential to eradicate both health care costs and the health crisis.
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