The First Amendment in the US Constitution reads:
"Congress shall make no law...abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or of the people to peaceably assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances"
Peaceably assembling they are. This Amendment was not made so people could indulge in idle gossip, it was set down so that when the people of this country see an imbalance of power they have the protected right to peacefully assemble and petition for a change.
The foundation of this movement is the imbalance of wealth in this country. They refer to the "ninety nine percent" and how most of us are on this team. Meaning, that the wealth in this county is held by one percent of the population; and they hold it through a system of greed and corruption. They want changes to be made so that there is a greater possibility of equality.
It seems that right now the movement is in a phase of spreading information. What they need is a plan to put into place a system that will encourage equality.
There needs to be a solid, clear, logical plan to get behind.
This is a perfect case to debate these people's rights under the First Amendment. Protesters ( a group of women who were not acting violently) have been filmed being maced by police officers. Protesters have been arrested. They have been barred off from certain areas. It brings up many questions of what they are able to do. Should they be allowed to march down Wall Street? Should they be arrested for the things they are saying?
Should this movement be stifled and quieted or should it be allowed to grow? (I hope the Constitutional answer to this question is clear)
So far the movement has provoked people to at least question the financial imbalance in this country, and question if there is any possibility to bring about a change. Ideas are being spread and minds are being opened. This is why the First Amendment was created.
Below is a link to the "Occupy Wall Street" movement where you can see how it is progressing and/or would like to contribute to the cause:
Occupy Wall Street is Obamaville. Just like Hooverville tent cities, Occupy Wall Street is the modern-day equivalent.
Thats not true. Thats just what the main stream media is portraying to discredit them. How could it be Obamaville when it has spread throughout the world? ANd so many people have realized the railures of this system, and he is at the head of it.
ReplyDeleteThe instances of the mainstream media 'discrediting' the Occupy Wall Street movement is when they make the bad comparison with the Tea Party.
ReplyDeleteObamaville is my, and mine alone, assessment.
Global Occupations does not dismiss the thrust of the name, or my label.
Obamaville does describe (a) a symbol of the real agencies to blame i.e. Obama, McCain, Democrats and Republicans, but not Wall Street CEOs or corporations, and (b) points to a historical analogy which attempts to answer the salient question of why now?