I just watched this excellently made documentary on the correlation between health and what we eat. Specifically how eating a meat based diet is bad for our health and makes us sick; while a plant based whole foods diet not only stops us from getting more sick, but can reverse illnesses.
It is impossible to put all of the valuable information from the film into one short review. There is so much to learn, I want to watch it again with a pen and paper to take notes.
At the heart of the film are two doctors who didn't even know each other when they started their research decades ago, but have met up and work closely for the same purpose; that of spreading the information that eating a plant based diet is the key to health and vitality.
One doctor, who started research from a clinical point of view, became interested in this while performing one surgery after another. Doing bypass heart surgery, removing cancerous tumors, but never being able to help anyone other than that person under the knife. Even then, he realized that many of these people became sick again. After extensive research, going against everything he had learned and believed, he started to learn that he was just treating the symptom not the cause; that the cause was in the meat, dairy and eggs these people were eating.
The other doctor came at this same topic from a different viewpoint. He studied population, diet and disease statistics around the world, and repeatedly came to the same conclusion that societies that consume a large amount of meat, dairy and egg products also have high statistics for disease (including cancer and heart disease) while populations that consume plant base foods have a more healthy and vital society.
They talk about the myths that have been perpetuated in our society, that meat is necessary for us to have enough protein, and that calcium is good for our bones. Instead they talk about the fact that both of these things are actually detrimental to our health.
It is so interesting to see the research that shows how simple of a solution there is to heal so many ailments that are plaguing the people of the world. They even touch upon how a plant based diet is not only better for health, but is better for the environment and could be the solution to solving world hunger. Something as simple as changing to a plant based whole foods diet.
Some people think that is extreme. One of the doctors said that heart bypass surgery is a very common procedure to be performed in this country. That ripping open someone's chest, cutting open their leg, taking an artery from their leg and attaching it to their heart, well, this seems a bit extreme.
The solution is so simple,
That we eat to live, rather than live to eat.
For more information on the movie, and showtimes near you, please click the link below

I would recommend bringing a pen and paper, just in case you want to take notes.
~peace to you~
Being a carnivore myself, I'm interested in trying to refute all this information. I don't necessarily believe actual "meat" to be bad but what is bad are these hormone/steroid ridden cattle who consume hybrid-cattle feed. These animals are not good meat but free range, grazing cattle definitely have a healthier quality. Thanks for the review definitely going to have to give it a view. Do you know if it's on netflix?
ReplyDeleteI am newly a vegan myself, just started last January. When I first started I didnt believe any of this stuff. I didnt think that meat was bad for us and I had no moral drive keeping me from eating animals. Since then I have learned a lot and my views have been totally changed. I thought the same as you that just the drugs pumped into the animals make us sick, but thats not it. In this movie the experts talk about and show how it is the casein in meat protein that is making people sick. All meat, egg, and dairy products are no good for us. All new information for me, and there is a lot of it. If you do see it I would recommend bringing a pen and paper, you might want to take notes.