Thursday, February 28, 2013

Documentary of the Week: "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead"

This documentary literally transformed my family. I had grown up with my mom regularly juicing. It was typical to see carrots and apples whirring through the Jack Lalane and wheat grass growing in the kitchen. Then we moved away from this lifestyle for several years, it had become a distant memory. That is until we watched "fat, sick and nearly dead" two years ago.

This movie documents the inspiring lifestyle change of Joe Cross who is a successful business man in his forties. Along with his business success came a lifestyle that brought him to a place where he was literally fat, sick and nearly dead. He decides that he needs to take a definite measure to "reboot" his body, mere dieting would not be enough. A total lifestyle change is what he needs, and a 60 day juice fast to save his life is his first step in that new direction. Joe does his reboot in the United Staes; the first 30 days in New York City, and the next thirty days driving cross country. Reasoning for partaking in this juice fast are shared, and other people's experiences with juice fasting, at varying degrees, are shared.

Robin, my older sisters, life was literally saved after watching this movie. She had gone from being a super star athlete in high school to being fat, sick and nearly dead at age 25. Small attempts at dieting were made, or cutting certain foods out of her diet, but any weight she lost would come back on very quickly. It wasnt about dieting and restriction, she needed to "reboot" her system; retrain her food palette and body to crave nourishing food.

On a Wednesday Robin watched "fat, sick and nearly dead" and on a Thursday she bought a juicer and was on her own 60 day juice fast. She powered through some major detox and in the end got her life back. After her fast she adapted a plant powered diet, and two years later she is thriving.

I could go on about how wonderful this movie is, how it has effected me, my mother and my friends, but I think it best if you watch it for yourself.

Here you can watch it for free:

Juice on!

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