Monday, May 2, 2011

A Republic for the people, by the people

To begin, this country, the United States of America, was intended to be a country for the people by the people. Looking at the government, even through main stream media, it can be seen that we are clear off the mark. Many many people are losing jobs, losing their homes, going hungry, the public school system is deteriorating more and more. Meanwhile, trillions of dollars (trillions of dollars that is driving us deeper into debt) is being put into wars. Not just one, three. Instead of investing that money into making this country strong, it is being invested into murdering people in a far away place.

We are following the pattern of the Romans in more way than one. We all know how the Romans ended up, well, they aren't around anymore. They started out as a Republic where they functioned under the law and the people in their country were able to thrive. Slowly it deteriorated to a Democracy where people were forced to hand over their power and rights under the name of "freedom," and then came the oligarchy with the Caesars (you could say that it was a monarchy, but really, it was a small group of the elite running things not just one man).

As they slowly deteriorated they also started focusing on conquering other lands. Instead of maintaining quality of life at home, they went to fight people in far away places. While energy was invested in this life on the home front deteriorated. (sound a little familiar?)

Many Americans don't realize that this country was never meant to be a Democracy. It was intended to be a Republic where "the law" (as republic means) set a standard for everyone. In a Democracy mass opinion can be swayed and manipulated.

When Benjamin Franklin was leaving the constitutional convention a woman asked him, "what did you give us?" and he responded, "a Republic ma'am, if you can keep it."

There is a fascinating video on this I have watched over and over. I recommend anyone who is interested in this to take a look. It is not too long, just ten minutes, it is right here:

Republic vs. Democracy

It is our job, our duty, to keep the Republic and the foundation of a free nation that the Founding Fathers intended for us. To bring us back to being a nation that is both for the people and by the people.


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