Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Why "End the FED"?

I dont know how many times I have read and heard this statement, "End the Fed", and never really understood why. I didnt even know exactly what the Fed was. So, I started doing a bit of homework and this is what I have found out.

The Fed, or the Federal Reserve, is the central bank of the United States of America. A central bank produces the single currency for an entire nation. They are able to control interest rates and inflation because they control the money supply. They loan the government money, with interest. They regulate the value of the currency. This is a system that produces one thing, which is debt.

Our central bank is a private corporation, makes its own policies and, like other central banks, loans its money at interest. Some issues with this system are starting to become visible.

In 1933 the gold standard for our currency was abolished and money then became "legal tender" This means that for every dollar printed its equal value in gold was no longer stored away. "Legal tender" is backed by nothing, it is worthless paper. Its value is only in how much is in circulation. This puts a lot of power in the hands of the Federal Reserves. They then had the power to regulate the circulation of money, which then regulates the value of it.

The Federal Income Tax, from what I have been reading, is unconstitutional. It is unconstitutional because the Federal Income Tax is unaportioned; the constitution says that all direct Federal taxes have to be aportioned (apportioned tax= every citizen pays the same lump sum amount). It was also never ratified, which means that not enough states approved it before it was passed.

There is no law that says a person needs to pay this tax. This is no small fee, 35% of the average workers income is taken in this tax; which is about four months of work out of a year. This could be justified if this money was going into our school systems or healthcare systems, but its not. Its goes to pay the interest that the government owes to the Federal Reserve Banks.

There is a lot evidence of corruption behind this central banking system. Congressman Louis McFadded said the following in 1932,

"When the Federal Reserve Act was passed, the people of these United States did not perceive that a world banking system was being set up here. A super-state controlled by international bankers and industrialists acting together to enslave the world for their own pleasure. Every effort has been made by the Fed to conceal its powers but the truth is—the Fed has usurped the government.”

He was then poisoned before he was able to start a movement to end the Fed.

I recommend each of us educating ourselves. Below is the link to Wikipedia, which explains the basic history of the Fed. This is where I started my research

Below is a link that I recommend profusely. This is a documentary that uncovers the hidden truth behind the Fed. I took notes on the information they were saying, and when I googled each piece of info I discovered that it was accurate.

After learning all of this, now I understand why I keep hearing people say, "End the Fed."

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Debt Ceiling Crisis in Plain English

So there has been a lot of upheaval over the debt ceiling crisis in the United States. The only thing is, most people don't actually understand what the crisis is all about. So, here it is, broken down into plain English.

In 1913 when the Federal Reserves (the central bank of the United States) was created, a debt ceiling was created. This debt ceiling was the highest amount of money the United States was able to borrow. Since then it has been raised 63 times by Congress. This past week the United States has reached its limit yet again, so the question has been on the table in Congress whether or not to raise it again.

Right now 40% of the money needed to fund the United States and all of its expenses (including war, medicare, Medicaid, federal jobs, etc.) is borrowed. This means that the United States cannot continue functioning as it is now. Either we need to raise the debt ceiling and go into more debt, or spending needs to be cut. Pretty simple.

So where is the crisis?

The crisis itself doesn't actually come from this issue. The crisis comes from Congress stalling and not solving it. The crisis comes from The President, the representative of the United States of America, announcing to the world that we will default (not be able to pay the interest on our loans) if the debt ceiling is not raised, which is bad in two ways. The first being that this is a lie, we do have the funds to keep us from defaulting. The second being that foreign countries are not going to risk loaning money to a country that announces it can't make its payments.

Economist Peter Schiff, who predicted the economic crisis years before it happened (even though other economists insisted he was wrong) has said that the government should cut spending. He says that, "the real cost of government isn't what it taxes, it's what it spends."

I have heard it said the past few days that raising the debt ceiling or not raising the debt ceiling are both like re-arranging the chairs on the Titanic. Either way, its going down. This crisis is just a symptom of an economic system that is not working.

We need to get to the real source of the problem.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Super Congress Unconstitutional- What Can We Do?

A new Super Congress has been passed that is a violation of the Constitution and the Political System of the United States of America. Thirteen people, six from the Senate, six from the House of Representatives and the President will be deciding the solution to this debt crisis. It is set up so that the Congress and Senate will have no choice but to accept the plan this Super Congress comes up with.

The Political System has been changed and no citizen has cast a vote and no great debate took place in either the Senate or House of Representatives.

So what can we do?

First of all, spread the information, as Samuel Adams said, "If Virtue & Knowledge are diffused among the People, they will never be enslav'd. This will be their great Security." Many people don't even know this Super Congress has been created, and even those who have heard of it do not realize that its creation is the death of liberty.

So what can we do to change this?

Contact our Representatives. If we say nothing we are giving our consent, sending the message that we think this is okay. If an overwhelming volume of complaints are sent in then we can not by ignored.

Email Your State Senators
(select your state, follow the links to contact your two Senators)

Email Your Representative from the House of Representatives
(enter your state and zip code to be taken to your Representatives page)

Below is the email I sent to all three of my representatives (two from the senate and one from the House of Representatives). If you feel the same way as I do please feel free even copy and paste what I wrote, or write whatever feels right to you:

"Dear Congressperson,
The newly created Super Congress is unconstitutional and a violation of the political system of this country. It is your job, as an elected representative of the people, to speak up and stop this. It does not matter what crisis may be going on, there always will be one, the political foundation of this nation must remain intact.

"[I]f the public are bound to yield obedience to laws to which they cannot give their approbation, they are slaves to those who make such laws and enforce them." -Candidus, Boston Gazette, January 20, 1772

Kelly Morrow"

Liberty can not exist without our active participation.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

"Super Congress" -The Death of Liberty

Since news of the "Debt Ceiling Crisis" emerged I have read about it with suspicion. Every news article I read, every radio show I have listened to, has been vague. The numbers are so high that the average person cant possible grasp the repercussions of it. The possible "solutions" are ever changing and shifting. But one thing has emerged from all of this confusion and chaos that is ALARMING. This magic solution of the Super Congress.

The details of this Super Congress are not yet clear. I have read several articles and listened to multiple videos and radio stations and a clear outline of their powers is never fully revealed. The only details that are clear is that six members of Congress, and six members of the Senate (three Republicans and three Democrats from each) will meet with the President and essentially decide on the solution to this "crisis" amongst themselves.

These people have not been voted for. The legal process of the United States has been changed and no vote has been cast. Not only has no vote been cast, there hasn't even been a great debate in the Senate or House of Representatives. They both passed this Super Congress yesterday.

This is UNCONSTITUTIONAL. It does not matter what supposed threat is on the horizon, there will always be one, our basic rights and political system that was set up to protect these rights, should not be changed.

Please, tell a friend, spread this information. Our basic liberties, as put down in the Constitution and foundation of our political process, are being taken away in order to "protect" us from this vague "crisis."

As Benjamin Franklin said, "Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety"

Our democracy is looking more and more like an oligarchy (a form of power structure in which power effectively rests with a small number of people.), a wolf in sheep's cloths. The only way to keep this from progressing is to speak up NOW.