I dont know how many times I have read and heard this statement, "End the Fed", and never really understood why. I didnt even know exactly what the Fed was. So, I started doing a bit of homework and this is what I have found out.
The Fed, or the Federal Reserve, is the central bank of the United States of America. A central bank produces the single currency for an entire nation. They are able to control interest rates and inflation because they control the money supply. They loan the government money, with interest. They regulate the value of the currency. This is a system that produces one thing, which is debt.
Our central bank is a private corporation, makes its own policies and, like other central banks, loans its money at interest. Some issues with this system are starting to become visible.
In 1933 the gold standard for our currency was abolished and money then became "legal tender" This means that for every dollar printed its equal value in gold was no longer stored away. "Legal tender" is backed by nothing, it is worthless paper. Its value is only in how much is in circulation. This puts a lot of power in the hands of the Federal Reserves. They then had the power to regulate the circulation of money, which then regulates the value of it.
The Federal Income Tax, from what I have been reading, is unconstitutional. It is unconstitutional because the Federal Income Tax is unaportioned; the constitution says that all direct Federal taxes have to be aportioned (apportioned tax= every citizen pays the same lump sum amount). It was also never ratified, which means that not enough states approved it before it was passed.
There is no law that says a person needs to pay this tax. This is no small fee, 35% of the average workers income is taken in this tax; which is about four months of work out of a year. This could be justified if this money was going into our school systems or healthcare systems, but its not. Its goes to pay the interest that the government owes to the Federal Reserve Banks.
There is a lot evidence of corruption behind this central banking system. Congressman Louis McFadded said the following in 1932,
"When the Federal Reserve Act was passed, the people of these United States did not perceive that a world banking system was being set up here. A super-state controlled by international bankers and industrialists acting together to enslave the world for their own pleasure. Every effort has been made by the Fed to conceal its powers but the truth is—the Fed has usurped the government.”
He was then poisoned before he was able to start a movement to end the Fed.
I recommend each of us educating ourselves. Below is the link to Wikipedia, which explains the basic history of the Fed. This is where I started my research
Below is a link that I recommend profusely. This is a documentary that uncovers the hidden truth behind the Fed. I took notes on the information they were saying, and when I googled each piece of info I discovered that it was accurate.
The Fed, or the Federal Reserve, is the central bank of the United States of America. A central bank produces the single currency for an entire nation. They are able to control interest rates and inflation because they control the money supply. They loan the government money, with interest. They regulate the value of the currency. This is a system that produces one thing, which is debt.
Our central bank is a private corporation, makes its own policies and, like other central banks, loans its money at interest. Some issues with this system are starting to become visible.
In 1933 the gold standard for our currency was abolished and money then became "legal tender" This means that for every dollar printed its equal value in gold was no longer stored away. "Legal tender" is backed by nothing, it is worthless paper. Its value is only in how much is in circulation. This puts a lot of power in the hands of the Federal Reserves. They then had the power to regulate the circulation of money, which then regulates the value of it.
The Federal Income Tax, from what I have been reading, is unconstitutional. It is unconstitutional because the Federal Income Tax is unaportioned; the constitution says that all direct Federal taxes have to be aportioned (apportioned tax= every citizen pays the same lump sum amount). It was also never ratified, which means that not enough states approved it before it was passed.
There is no law that says a person needs to pay this tax. This is no small fee, 35% of the average workers income is taken in this tax; which is about four months of work out of a year. This could be justified if this money was going into our school systems or healthcare systems, but its not. Its goes to pay the interest that the government owes to the Federal Reserve Banks.
There is a lot evidence of corruption behind this central banking system. Congressman Louis McFadded said the following in 1932,
"When the Federal Reserve Act was passed, the people of these United States did not perceive that a world banking system was being set up here. A super-state controlled by international bankers and industrialists acting together to enslave the world for their own pleasure. Every effort has been made by the Fed to conceal its powers but the truth is—the Fed has usurped the government.”
He was then poisoned before he was able to start a movement to end the Fed.
I recommend each of us educating ourselves. Below is the link to Wikipedia, which explains the basic history of the Fed. This is where I started my research
Below is a link that I recommend profusely. This is a documentary that uncovers the hidden truth behind the Fed. I took notes on the information they were saying, and when I googled each piece of info I discovered that it was accurate.
After learning all of this, now I understand why I keep hearing people say, "End the Fed."