Ron Paul is a very rare Congressman. He actually wants the people to be informed and have power in their own hands.
It is not often that a Presidential Candidate captures, and holds, my attention. There are those, like Obama, who make high promises of hope, peace and economic improvements. Then, after time passes, it is revealed that what they really have to offer is more war, a worse economy and very little hope.
The more I learn about Ron Paul, the more I like him. He has been consistent for over three decades in his views, especially on Foreign Policy. The United States empire has troops in different countries throughout the world. Ron Paul wants to get all of them out. It is an enormous expenditure and it does nothing but cause hostility with the countries these soldiers are stationed in.
He also wants to end the War in Iraq, and has said that the official reasons for going to war are almost always false. When the USA declared war on Iraq the reason given was that there were members of AlQuida there, and weapons of mass destruction. Ron Paul said that now we know AlQuida members were not in Iraq (they were in Saudi Arabia) and there were no weapons of mass destruction. He wants us to stop throwing away our money, sinking our economy and sending our men off to die in a war that shouldn't even be happening.
He is also the only Congressman who stood up to defend Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks. He is the only one to point out how there was a much bigger fuss over Assange publishing the documents, rather than the startling content of the documents. Ron Paul said that no person working for the USA has been harmed as a result of the information that has been published via WikiLeaks, but there is a lot of embarrassment for the government who has had their gaping flaws revealed.
Below are two links of Ron Paul addressing Congress.
The link below is the first I ever saw or heard of Ron Paul. He caught my attention when he said, "what if the American people woke up and understood that the official reasons for going to war are almost ALWAYS based on lies and promoted by war propaganda in order to serve special interests"
The link below is Ron Paul defending WikiLeaks and Julian Assange; he is essentially defending our First Amendment Right- Freedom Of Speech.
Ron Paul defending WikiLeaks
Ron Paul wants to legalize freedom in the United States of America. He wants people to keep their Constitutional Rights. He has shown repeatedly that he is not afraid to go against popular opinion in order to be a voice of truth and reason.
When a person starts listening to Ron Paul it becomes clear that he is the best candidate to win the 2012 Presidential Election.
When a person starts listening to Ron Paul it becomes clear that he is the best candidate to win the 2012 Presidential Election.